In 1st class we get to use the iPads every week. We love getting the iPads. On the iPads we play Maths and Literacy games, we do Kahoot quizzes and we read books on Here are some pictures of 1st class room 6 playing Kahoot.
Bhí go leor spraoi ag rang a hAon le haigh Seachtain Na Gaeilge.... Rinnemar a lán gníomhaíochtaí éagsúla i rith na seachtaine mar shampla, ealaín, An Dreoilin, Trath na gceist agus ceolchoirim.
On the 1st of March we celebrated Pancake Tuesday. It is also known as Shrove Tuesday. It is the day before Ash Wednesday, when Lent starts. We tried out the traditional toppings of lemon and sugar. They were delicious.